7SSMM100 Research Methods Assignment - relationship between

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Research Methods Assignment - The relationship between FDI and exports

Using the same data from your unique file, answer the following questions:

A. For each of the three years, test the null hypothesis that there are no significant differences across the group of H countries and L countries in FDI stocks per capita and exports per capita. Summarise the results in a table and discuss.

B. Calculate the correlations between FDI per capita and exports per capita for the years 1995, 2007 and 2016 for the whole sample, and the H and L samples. Present the results in a word table and comment on comparisons of the correlations through time and across countries.

C. Perform the following regressions on the natural logs of:

(i) Exports per capita regressed on FDI per capita for each of the years, 1995, 2007 and 2016.

(ii) Exports per capita regressed on FDI per capita and years of schooling (YSC) for each of the years, 1995, 2007 and 2016. For the years of schooling variable, use YSC2005 in the 2007 regression and YSC2010 in the 2016 regression.

Comment on the coefficient values, the significance of the coefficients and the R2.

D. Now divide the sample into H and L countries and repeat the regression in Part C (ii) for each sample separately. Compare the results across the two groups of countries. How has this comparison changed over time?

D. For the whole sample redo the regressions in Part C (ii) including the dummy variable Dcountry, where Dcountry = 1 for H countries and Dcountry = 0 for L countries.

Comment on how this changes the coefficient values, the significance of the coefficients and the R2.

The assignment should contain no more than 1,300 words excluding Tables and Figures. A template Table for questions is given in the attached Appendix.

Assessment Criteria -

Presentation - The tables must be presented using only the tables in the appendix. The tables must not be direct copies of tables from SPSS output files.

Understanding of Statistical Methods. The assignment should demonstrate that the student understands how to apply statistical methods to their dataset and the validity of their conclusions on the relationship between the variables.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

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