CBA931 Psychological Abnormality Assignment, Open College

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Psychological Abnormality Assignment -

Description of Assignment: This assignment focuses on the difficulties in establishing a universally applicable definition of psychological abnormality, interpreting the causes of psychological abnormality and how culture, gender and socio-economic status can influence the incidence and diagnosis of psychological disorders.

Task 1 - Defining psychological abnormality

Answer the following with reference to theories which support your points (e.g. Rosenhan and Seligman, Jahoda, Szasz).

  • To what extent is psychological abnormality a subjective view of 'inappropriate' behaviour in a social situation (deviating from the 'norm')?
  • Give examples of how abnormality is viewed differently in different societies or cultures.
  • To what extent are judgements about psychological abnormality linked to a person's ability to function independently?

Task 2 - Biological and psychological perspectives of abnormality

Compare and contrast the humanistic with the biological explanation for the onset of depression.

Task 3 - Influences on the incidence of mental health disorder

Use the internet to search for evidence of the percentage of the UK population diagnosed with specific psychological disorders in regard to:

  • Culture
  • Gender
  • Socio-economic status

Explain how and why these factors may have an impact on the incidence of specific psychological disorders (with reference to evidence from research studies). Do stereotypical generalisations about research and produced an update on their findings, which may come to different conclusions.

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