Explain the types of mergers and acquisitions and Discuss

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Answer ONE question

Question 1
1. (a) Explain the term credit conditions.
2. (b) Describe the state of credit conditions for UK non-financial firms before, during and after the financial crisis. Where appropriate use charts to support you answer.
3. (c) Explain why the UK debt financing landscape changed for rated firms during and after the financial crisis of 2007 -2009?
4. (d) How did the debt financing structure (mix of bank and bond debt) change for rated firms since the financial crisis? Use charts or data to support your answer.
5. (e) Following the peak of the financial crisis in 2008 the proportion of firms issuing bonds for the first time increased significantly with many of these firms acquiring a credit rating during this period. What are the economic benefits of a firm possessing a credit rating? Where appropriate cite empirical evidence to support your arguments
6. (f) In response to the Covid-19 pandemic what are UK CFOs priorities?

Question 2
1. (a) Explain the types of mergers and acquisitions.
2. (b) Discuss the key arguments for the motivations of mergers and acquisitions.

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