Identify the different types of coupons used at the

Post New Homework

Selecting your research topic

• What's the difference between a research title, research aim, a research question, and research objectives?

• Research title summarises the main research question

• Research aim illustrate the overall direction of the research and what is to be achieved

• Research questions are an articulation of the specific focus of your research

• Research objectives allow you to operationalise your research questions (that is set out how you will answer your questions)

Research Title The effect on buyer behaviour of coupons issued at supermarket checkouts

Research Question: In what ways do the issue of coupons at supermarket checkouts affect buyer behaviour?

Research Aim The aim of this research is to explore how the issue of coupons at supermarket checkouts affects buyer behaviour

Research Objectives To describe the supermarket's objectives for the use of coupons (e.g. increasing profits, increasing customer base, build brand loyalty, etc.)

To identify the different types of coupons used at the supermarket checkouts To identify and explore which coupon values are most used at the supermarket checkouts

To identifying consumer response to coupons by exploring how customer buying behaviour has changed (using for example customer loyalty card purchases)

To identify and explore the demographic variables of those customers who use coupons compared to those who don't use coupons

• Your research proposal provides a justification for your research project and establishes the research focus
• Your research will typically discuss business or managerial implications (depending
on type of project)

• Justification for your research needs to be included in the Introduction of your Research Proposal

• When deciding on the focus of your research, ask yourself:
• Is the area that you have identified suitable to investigate?
• Is the research achievable in the time frame?
• Is the research specific enough?

Research ideas could come from several sources:
1. Media/News - looking through newspapers and magazines, current affairs on news; you may be interested in specific topics such as in education, policy, politics and business

2. Using your personal experience, for example through work placement - discuss with managers and other colleagues about broad areas of interest
• Is the business thinking of revising a policy or some business process?
• Are there any systems the business would like to change?
• Is there anything happening externally that can impact on the business in the future?
• (If the topic is of relevance to the business, then it is more likely to receive support)

3. Using your studies to generate ideas - you may get ideas from modules you have studied where specific topics are of interest

4. Through general discussion with customers/clients, friends, relatives

5. Look through journals related to business and management, and read recent articles about what is being discussed

If you are doing a consultancy, then you will be given a brief which outlines the general issue that the client would like to address
• Sometimes businesses are not certain or clear on how to define the problem
• You need to ask the business the right questions in order to get to the bottom of the issue

• Once you have a general area that you wish to research, then you would need to determine the specific focus

• e.g. (from previous table) ‘Supermarket coupons as a promotional device' is a general idea for your research

• The specific focus is ‘The effect on buyer behaviour of coupons issued at supermarket checkouts‘

• Once you have the general research idea/area, you will need to do some background reading to determine the specific focus (topic)

• When deciding on the research topic for your dissertation, choose an area that will hold your interest over the life of the research project

• It could be something that will be of value to you in your career

• If you intend to pursue future research (PhD/DBA) then think of possibly developing your research into an article for publication in the future

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