LC480 Media, Communication and Society, Buckinghamshire New

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Media, Communication and Society

Learning outcome 1: Understand and discuss the key debates and theories around the character, content, role and impact of media in contemporary societies

Learning outcome 2: Debate and discuss the issues of power and inequalities in relation to media

Learning outcome 3: Apply social science skills of analysis to various mediated areas of social life relevant to student's degree programme

Learning outcome 4: Demonstrate knowledge about, and competency in, the use of various media forms to communicate effectively for specified purposes

Assignment task: For this assignment task you will need to create a portfolio within which you must include the following elements:

Design and make a media ‘product' which could be presented on a specified online media platform. Your media product should be one of the following:

  • A podcast
  • A Vlogcast
  • A blog
  • A content analysis of existing media

Your media product must communicate about one of the following topics to raise awareness of the issues via media platforms. You need to state the media platform(s) for which your product would be suitable (you do not need to post your product on a media platform); your target audience and consider the most effective ways to communicate your ‘message' to this audience.

Choose one of these topics:
The representation of one social group within media
Media representation of a contemporary social issue (e.g. crime, health, homelessness)
The blurring of the public and private realms in new media
Digital media, social activism and democracy

Any video or oral media products must be 5 minutes long
Any written media product must be 500 words long
A reference list must be provided at the end of your portfolio for the research for your media product - please give a separate reference list for part 1 and part 2 of your portfolio, at the end

Alongside your media product you will need to produce a written analysis & commentary (1500 words)
Write a commentary in which you discuss the role and impact of media in our 21st Century world. Your commentary must include consideration of the following:
‘power' in and around media
Contemporary social issues with digital and social media.

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