MN7406 International Business Assignment Help and Solution,

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MN7406 International Business - University of Leicester

Assignment Brief

You should choose any two of the following four questions and complete them as separate essays.

1. Discuss how do cultural differences effect cross country trade.


2. Discuss whether the modern financial system is too connected.


3. Discuss how changing demographics impact on the opportunities and risks of international businesses.


4. Discuss how the advent of blockchain has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate internationally.

For Essay 1:
In answering this question, you should consider the risks associated with doing business in different countries bringing in appropriate examples to support your answer. In writing your essay you should not just consider the within country risk but also the risk associated with operating across countries. You will find the material covered in and around the lectures on Risk, Trade and Culture particularly useful for this essay.

For Essay 2:
In your essay, you should comment on how international financial institutions connect countries; how these connections create vulnerabilities; and how institutions try to limit this risk. Bring in appropriate examples of how shocks or crisis have spread between countries/industries. You will find the material covered in and around the lectures on International Institutions, Crisis and the seminars particularly useful for this essay.

For Essay 3:
In writing your essay, you should consider how demand and opportunities relate to changing populations, and how these changes interact with environmental sustainability. Bring in appropriate examples of countries in which changes are having an impact on businesses. You will find the material covered in and around the lectures on Demographics, Sustainability and Crime particularly useful for this essay.

For Essay 4:
In your essay, bring in relevant examples of how blockchains have been used and the impact they have had on international businesses. In doing so you should consider examples beyond crypto currencies. You will find the material covered in and around the lectures on Fintech, International Financial Management and the seminars particularly useful for this essay.

Essay Structure

Each essay should be approximately 1500 words.

1 Introduction (200 words approx.)

2 Main body (approx. 1000 words. In this section work through the key issues in each case and bring in relevant examples. Aim to have at least two relevant examples for each essay - discussion of each should be at least 100-200 words.)

3 Conclusion (300 words approx.)

4 References

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