The project is about a Healthcare consultant business that

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Project Assignment -

The project is about a Healthcare consultant business that requires a web page/app.

Interim Report Structure and Content - Maximum 12 pages excluding title page and references.

Contents & Main Body

The contents of the report must be listed in the order in which they appear, from the first chapter to the last appendix. The chapters, their sections and subsections should also appear with their page numbers.

The main body of the report should be presented in consecutively numbered chapters, each with an appropriate title. Chapters should be divided into sections, subsections etc. to give them a sensible structure. A recommended numbering scheme for these is:

Chapter 1: Introduction

The introduction briefly describes your project with its aims, objectives, rationale for choosing it, and summarises the remaining chapters of the dissertation, giving the reader an overview of what is to come.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

You should start this chapter with an overview of its contents, and try giving the reasoning behind why you have structured it in a particular way. The main goal of the chapter is a review of relevant work by other authors or developers relevant or related to your own work. It should be presented in a top-down manner, starting from a broader context and continuing by narrowing it down to more specific and closer to your subject area. It will include both subject specific topics as well as technology related items. A good literature review is synthetic:

(i) The presentation should be a fluent narrative, rather than a succession of unrelated topics and items;

(ii) The papers and work you refer to should be properly cited;

(iii) It is good to compare the topics presented and find out your own criteria - you might use a table summarising the compared topics. Everything you use should be cited by reference to the bibliography at the end of your dissertation.

Everything that you write must be your own words and you must cite other people using references and also quote sentences from the work of others. These must be included in quotation marks and the relevant work must be cited. Your signed declaration means that you will fail your dissertation if you do not acknowledge the work of others, and do not follow plagiarism regulations.

You should use the Harvard referencing style.

The Harvard reference consists of two parts:

1. A citation in the text. This appears next to the information you have used. It consists of the family name of the author followed by the year of publication. Each citation correspond to a reference

2. The reference goes in a reference list (Bibliography) at the end of your work. The list is in alphabetical order. It contains the full details of all of the sources referred to in the text.

Chapter 3: Requirements and analysis

This should state, in a more detailed way, the objectives of the project by

 (i) Providing a brief description of the project and

 (ii) A detailed list of features (functional requirements or main functions) of your project solution. Apart from functions you should pay attention to data handled in the project and the layout of the user interface. Suitable diagram-techniques (e.g. UML, other drawings) should be used where appropriate. The user interface might be also presented by using some screenshots.

For a more theoretical project, this chapter should include the presentation of the theory involved, with main definitions and results utilised.

Evaluation of the project should be given due consideration. It is important that you state how you will evaluate your work - using some experiments, analysing the product features and providing a set of sound acceptance testing suits, providing sound proofs or adequate validation tools etc.

Justify the solution for your project - how the functions, data interfaces described serve better the purpose of the project (better solution than existing ones, optimal with respect to certain criteria, easy to be used/implemented etc.)

Note. This might not be complete and some new features - functions, data, interfaces - will be added in for the final report.

Chapter 3: Prototype description

This chapter will briefly describe what the prototype does (1-3 paragraphs).

Chapter 4: Conclusions

This will briefly describe the amount of work left to be done (1-2 paragraphs).

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