Unit 6 Construction Information Assignment Help and

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Unit 6 Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification) - Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

Assignment - Evaluating and Critiquing Collaborative Construction Information

Learning Outcome 1: Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a construction project.

Learning Outcome 2: Assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the production of construction information.


Using an actual construction project that you have agreed with your tutor, prepare a drawing comments schedule, to relate the project's drawings to its specification, and evaluate the information provided, highlighting any issues such as clarity, annotation, symbols and particularly ‘clashes' that will result in construction site issues (LO3).
Use the same project to describe how the design team members, such as the structural engineer, contribute to construction-status information using digital design media, focusing on the process of design coordination (LO4).
Tutor's commentary -

A drawing comments schedule is one way in which a designer, typically an Architect or Engineer, will provide feedback on design proposals drawn by other members of the project team, such as a sub- contractor with design responsibility.

In the context of a small project, this schedule could be as simple as ‘red-lining' drawings, to show where further work is required (such as parts of construction which are not clear, areas of annotation which are confusing, or where information is lacking).

With larger projects, the process becomes more complex because there may be many people whose input is essential. Scheduling drawing comments therefore becomes a live ‘fluid' and interactive process. Current examples include output recorded in a pdf file (which ‘freezes' the construction information at that point in time) or within a shared BIM model, controlled by a project administrator. Ideally, such methods also enable notifications to be sent automatically to key personnel, such as designers, contractors and stakeholders.

To achieve task M3, you will need to evidence your understanding of construction information protocols. You will also need to discuss best practice. This could be done by highlighting relevant standards, such as BS1192, or researching common methods within the industry.

To achieve task M4, you will need to evidence your understanding of each method of providing drawings and documents, both CAD and BIM. This could be achieved by explaining each process in turn and highlighting the differences in the actual information inputted and outputted.

To achieve task D2, you will need to be familiar with methods of correcting construction information. You will also need to explain your rationale behind tackling the corrections in the way you have.

Attachment:- Construction Information.rar

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