What and how is the political/economic environment driving

Post New Homework

NUR7007 Post Graduate Diploma in Health Service Leadership


It is anticipated that this project will be taken forward for protocol development.

Summative Assessment
A 6000-word detailed research protocol, ideally on the subject chosen for the Formative proposal, to be agreed with the academic supervisor and organisation.

It is anticipated that this will form the basis of the research dissertation module

Protocol Structure
Background research
Aim and objectives
Ethical Considerations
Work timeline / Gantt chart
Appendices (optional)

Be as concise and explicit as possible
Include BPP cover page

Brief introduction to the topic of study
Position your research in an area of Healthcare and Leadership
Introduce the issues central to your research study in broad terms and indicate how you expect your research to intervene in the field.

What are the trends? Include statistics if relevant
What and how is the political/economic environment driving this within healthcare?

Background research
More details on the issues mentioned in the introduction
Some literature review on the topic/subject

The idea or reason why this topic is important and how it would help

Aim and objectives
Aim - what you want to achieve overall
Objectives - the specific goals and steps that you will take to achieve the research aim

Research design and approach to answer the research question
Research method : Quantitative or qualitative or Mixed methods
Sampling / participants
Data collection methods
Data Analysis method(s) intended


Font size: all coursework must be typed and submitted electronically in 12 Arial font.

Layout: Use 1.5 line spacing, leaving at least 3 cm margin on each side of the text.

Numbers should be written out in words first from one to ten or when a number starts a sentence. For numbers over ten, use the numeral (i.e 250).

Abbreviations: avoid e.g, i.e, and etc in the text of an essay/dissertation.

Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation: Please check these carefully before submitting your assignment. Remember that a spell-check does not pick up all spelling mistakes.

Attachment:- Health Service Leadership.rar

Post New Homework

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