Linear expansion of metals and mass of water


1. The coefficient of linear expansion of aluminum is 0.000023/C. A circular hole in an aluminum plate is 2.725 cm in diameter at 0C. What is the diameter of the hole if the temperature of the plate is raised to 100C?

2. A child wants to pump up a bicycle tire so that its pressure is 250 X 10 Pa above that of atmospheric pressure. If the child uses a pump with a circular piston 0.035 m in diameter, what force must the child exert?

3. A submarine is operating at 100.0 m below the surface of the ocean. If the air inside the submarine is maintained at a pressure of 1.0 atmosphere, what is the magnitude of the force that acts on the rectangular hatch 2.0 m X 1.0 m on the deck of the submarine?

4. What mass of water (at 4.0 C) can be contained in a rectangular box whose dimensions are 10.0 cm by 5.00 cm by 1.00 cm? The density of water at 4.0 C is 1.000 X 10 kg/m-cubed.

Posted Date: 3/11/2014 7:21:47 PM | Location : United Kingdom(UK)

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