Low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue


1. The major health related components of physical fitness include

a) cardiorespiratory fitness.

b) muscular strength and endurance.

c) body composition.

d) all of the above

2. _______ is defined as any bodily movement that is produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles and that substantially requires energy expenditure.

a) Exercise

b) Physical fitness

b) Physical activity

c) Endurance

3. A disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue is

a) osteogenesis.

b) osteo arthritis.

c) osteoporosis.

d) osteomyelitis.

4. Regular aerobic activity improves the efficiency of the heart by

a) thinning the blood.

b) strengthening the skeletal muscles.

c) decreasing the blood volume.

d) increasing the amount of blood pumped with each heartbeat.

Posted Date: 2/17/2014 9:11:23 PM | Location : United Kingdom(UK)

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